
PG Diploma In Montessori

(Duration 12 Months)

The Comprehensive Montessori Course – Post Graduate Diploma Level Introduction Even though Maria Montessori belonged to an era gone by (1870-1952), her principles are still prevalent in the present education system. The relevance of Maria Montessori’s philosophy cannot be denied in our current thinking, understanding and responses to teaching the young learners. She was indeed an unique individual- and maybe if she belonged to this era, the news media would have labelled her as someone who has the ability to think out of the box. A pioneer in enabling children learn through meaningful experience, she is an inspiration worldwide to what is popularly known as the “Montessori schools”. The course takes a comprehensive view at the Montessori Method and philosophy with an overview of its relevance and application in today’s cyber age. The course takes an overall view of the philosophy and methodologies related to early childhood education world-wide and touches upon the psychology related to early childhood, before discussing in details the various aspects of the Montessori Method.

The content of the course covers the follows
  • Phase 1. Principles of Education
  • Phase 2. Dr. Maria Montessori - her philosophy and methodology
  • Phase 3. Child Psychology – theories and practice
  • Phase 4. EPL (Experience in practical Life)
  • Phase 5. Sensorial
  • Phase 6. Montessori Apparatus
1st- Term assignment
  • Phase 7. Mathematics and Numbers in Montessori
  • Phase 8. Language and Story Telling
  • Phase 9. Music, Movement & art
  • Phase 10. Yoga and Nutrition
  • Phase 11. Computers
Mid–Term assignment and Making of Lesson Plan
  • Phase 12. Methodology a. Direct/Traditional Teacher Center i) Disadvantages of traditional teacher centered approach ii) Pros and corns of traditional teacher centered approach iii) Are traditional teaching methodologies still effective?
  • b. Hands-on /Inquiry Student Centered i. How has inquiry-based learning developed since it first became popular ii. Objectives of inquiry/hands-on, student centric approach iii. What are the benefits of inquiry-based learning? iv. Which is best: Teacher-Centered or Student-Centered education? c. Collaborative/ Cooperative Shared Centered i. Meaning of collaboration/cooperative approach ii. Cooperative and Collaborative learning series iii. Similarities and Differences between Cooperative and collaborative learning iv. What are the benefits of cooperative and collaborative v. How do cooperative and collaborative learning diverge from the traditional approach d. Constructivist Teaching Methods
  • Phase 13 Development a. Physical Development i. Gross skill ii. Motor Skill b. Social development and emotional development c. Intellectual development
  • PPhase 14 School Administration Planning and infrastructure The recruitment process Managing finances Anticipating disasters
  • Phase 15 Instructional strategies and Class Room management
  • Phase 16 Educational Technology a. Nature and scope of educational technology b. Benefits of Technology Integration in the Education Sphere c. Usage of Audio-visual aid in the teaching d. Usage of PowerPoint in the Classroom e. Usage of smart board in classroom
  • Phase 17 Lesson planning and Evaluation 1 Creating a lesson plan 2 Case study